Wow, it's been a crazy week for us here at TOG, and things have gotten away from us!
So, without further ado we're going to jump into this week's Kickstarter Weekly!
Most likely these games won't be making it under your Christmas tree this year, (seeing as how a lot of these campaigns don't even end until after Christmas), but it ever hurts to plan ahead for... ya know... Valentines Day, Arbor Day, Memorial Day.... Or, well, you get what we're saying...
So let's jump in!
Featured Campaign
Hold Your Breath - Mayday Games
In this, the third and final installment in the Get Bit trilogy, players are once again playing as some less than intelligent pirates who have just gone overboard in "Walk the Plank!". This campaign is going gangbusters and there are a few stretch goals unlocked with more on the way!
You can get in on this one for $18 to get a copy shipped to your door. The campaign ends Dec. 21 and you can check it out here!
Emu Ranchers - App Sauce Labs
A fun looking single-deck card game for the family. Players compete as emu ranchers trying to build the best farm for emus possible. It's a 2-player game, with lots of cool stretch goals to come, they are just now on the brink of funding and there is plenty of time to get in on this one.
Just for a pledge $15 you'll get your own copy of the game. The campaign ends Dec 27 and you can check it out here.
The Otherverse: First Wars - A Quirky Tabletop Battle Game - Shadow Vision
The game looks cool and the concept of easy, and quick playing battle simulation is very intriguing. With a backstory that sets the game in a sci-fi world that brought an army of dinosaurs from an alternate dimension.
Despite the slick video, and clever concept, unfortunately it seems this one is going to fail.
If you'd like to get in and try to help get this game funded you can snag a copy for $40. The campaign ends Dec. 5, check it out here!
Pathfinder Dice Arena - Luke Peterschmidt (Fun to 11)
There certainly is no shortage of new dice games hitting the market. We've seen several titles hit Kickstarter with custom dice and gameplay. This latest one is set in the Pathfinder universe; players choose their favorite character and go at it in a tournament battle setting. If you're digging the influx of dice games, and are a fan of the Pathfinder universe, you should check this one out! The one downside to this is, it comes with a pretty hefty price tag.
The base game is $62 ( which includes no stretch goals) $65 early bird (all stretch goals). Ends Dec. 30, and the campaign can be found here.
Thanks for checking out this week's Kickstarter Weekly!
What games are you backing, and which games did we miss out on this week!??
Let us know in the comments below, and find us on the internets, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and our Podcast on iTunes!