Heroes of Land, Air and Sea Relaunched by Gamelyn Games!

A few weeks ago Gamelyn Games decided to retool their Kickstarter for the massively, gargantuan 4X game: Heroes of Land, Air and Sea. And today they've relaunched it and boy was the wait worth it!

The biggest news coming from this relaunch is that Gamelyn was able to seek out better pricing for the manufacturing and pass the savings along to you, the backers.

You can now get the base game with 80 (count them 80!!) miniatures, a bunch of cardboard constructs and more, all for $79! Whut???

Take a minute to check out the links, if you're in to 4X Games this title looks HOT, and with Gamelyn's long history of totally crushing it when it comes to delivering on Kickstarters, this one is a no brained!

Want to hear even more about eroes and what Gamelyn is up to? Take a listen to Jeremiah's interview with Michael Coe on That's How I Roll (Just Click Here!)

So what do you think? Are you jumping in on this campaign?? Let us know!