Star Wars + Loopin' Louie = AWESOME

Hasbro Version

Hasbro Version

It's no secret that one of our favorite kids games--well, any games, really--is Loopin' Louie. It's a dexterity game about a crazed German airplane pilot who apparently hates chickens, so he's dive-bombing yours in an attempt to knock them down. Sounds ridiculous, right? It is. It's also--FAR and away--the game my kids request more than any others. It's gone in and out of print, and people have imported the German version just to get a copy. And there's a Loopin' Louie tournament every year at the famous Gathering of Friends. But now we have a new, thematic contender for the crown of coolest game ever: Loopin' Chewie...

That's right. Hasbro recently announced a Star-Wars-themed version. Now Chewie is the crazed German airplane pilot trying to wreck your chickens. Or something. Anyway, it's supposed to be out in September, and retail for $24.99. And we can't wait to play it.

DIY Version

DIY Version

But one of the most interesting aspects of this whole story comes from a project thread posted on Boardgamegeek, where a guy bought some extra Loopin' Louie sets when Toys R Us had them at 50% off, and made his own DIY Loopin' Chewie set--ALMOST A YEAR BEFORE HASBRO'S ANNOUNCEMENT. We're not suggesting Hasbro stole the idea, but it's quite a coincidence that they would come up with the same theme, components, and name, isn't it...? 

Let us know what you think in the comments. And thanks for reading!