Cyber Monday IOS Board Game Deals

TigrisIOSYa know what's way better than getting up at 3 AM to fight insane crowds for a new crock pot? Sitting on your butt on Monday and getting great deals on board games for your i-device.

Le Havre, Ra, and Tigris & Euphrates are all on sale for $.99. Update: A few more are part of the deal.

  • Le Havre is a less-fun Agricola.
  • Ra is a terrific auction game—especially good with 3 players.
  • T&E is a classic meaty Euro from the brilliant Reiner Knizia. (He also designed Ra.)
  • Tikal is an Action Point game where you're exploring the jungle looking for treasures.
  • Medici, which is another auction game from Reiner Knizia, but not as good as Ra, or as good as Strozzi, but that doesn't have an iOS implementation. So there ya go.
  • A Brief History of the World—I don't know anything about this game, except that it has a really long title with the word brief in it.

Not sure how long they'll last.

Thanks for reading!