The 12 Days of Christmas Contest!

The 12 Days of Christmas Contest!

Hey gang! Well, we’ve been teasing this for a while, and it’s finally here!

Its our (not really) annual 12 Days of Christmas Contest!

What’s that mean? It means that very soon, for 12 days in a row, we’re giving away some super awesome prizes! How do you enter?! Great question. The easiest way to enter is to CLICK HERE there are also some social media posts that will get you entries for liking and sharing, and, of course you can SCAN THE CODE! (If you know, then you know.)

Here’s a breakdown of the the prizes!

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Podcast #3 and a New Contest—We're Giving Away Pixel Lincoln!

pixelcoverHey everyone! We're super excited about everything that's moving and shaking here at Theology of Games. We're happy to announce that our third episode of the Theology of Games Podcast is up and running and available for download on iTunes!

We were joined this month by the effervescent (Jeremiah wrote that. Weird.) Jason Tagmire, designer of Pixel Lincoln, Maximum Throwdown, and more! He was kind enough to chat with us about his games, and a little bit of what is coming down the road for Pixel Lincoln.

But wait! There's so much more! During this episode of the podcast, we give you all the details on how you—yes YOU—can win a free copy of Pixel Lincoln of your very own! Want to win? Listen to the podcast, or, check out the Web for clues about the contest! I know...super mysterious, right?

You can click this link to download your own copy of the podcast; we would love it if you subscribed and shared it with your friends!

Thanks for reading, watching, and listening!


Fluxx: The Board Game - So Who Won?

20130810-214738.jpgWe have been extremely happy to host a number of contests over the past 6 weeks or so. And they just keep getting better, and better.We're humbled to be able to partner with such great folks in the industry to bring these to you, and most recently we've joined forces with the great folks at Looney Labs to give away a copy of the very newly released Fluxx: The Board Game! So who won? Read on!

We reached 89 subscribers so we randomly generated a number between 1-89 which came up as 4 and I (Jeremiah) loaded up our subscriber list on my iPhone and counted to the fourth name. And the winner is!!???

Matt Ouellette!

A big congrats to Matt!

We'd also like to thank Looney Labs for providing us with this copy of Fluxx: The Board Game to give away!

Didn't win this time? That's ok, because in just a few days we'll be giving away yet another game! Yep, that's right we have another contest coming your way, really, REALLY soon! So be sure to subscribe to the blog, and our YouTube channel and all of our other social media pages to find out how you can win!

Podcast Poll #2, and Contest #3

podcast-microphoneWe wanted to take a moment and let you know that you can still contribute to the poll we're conducting as we prepare to launch our very own podcast in mere weeks! And you can sound off in our second podcast poll as well! If you have friends who are gamers, and enjoy a good podcast, please share this with them as we've found the feedback here extremely valuable! If you have any other advice, requests, comments, opinions etc, please use the comments section below to sound off! Truly, we appreciate your feedback and your input, and will definitely put it to good use as we make this dream of ours a reality!

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And don't forget to enter to win our third contest as we celebrate our Blogiversary! This week we're giving away a free copy of Boss Monster: The Dungeon Building game! Simply subscribe to the blog and you're entered to win!! (Again this contest is only open to those living in the US and Canada—sorry.)

Thanks, as always, for reading, and thanks for all the feedback! Don't forget to look for us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube!

Wanna Win This?

photo (24)If you were around last week, you know that we gave away a copy of The Great Heartland Hauling Co. to a very lucky individual! This week we're giving away a free copy of Sunrise City from Clever Mojo Games! In fact, it's the very same copy pictured here!

How? Easy...

The way to win this amazing prize is quite simple: Just subscribe to the blog! That's right, if you type your email address into the little box over on the right, you'll be entered into our fantastic and unbelievably easy-to-win contest! Already subscribed, you say? Well then you're already entered! Yes. It's that easy! If you enjoy what we're doing here at TOG we would be ever so grateful if you took a moment to share this contest with your friends and family. If you don't enjoy what's going on here on our little blog, then maybe you could inform your arch-nemesis?

There is a bit of not-so-fine print to go along with this contest: We can only offer the contest to US and Canadian residents only. We'd love to ship it across the Seven Seas but the cost of doing so is prohibitive. If  you would like to enter and pay for the shipping, we would be glad to do that!

We get really excited when folks connect with us on social media too! So be sure to hit us up on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and yes, even YouTube!

We'd also like to give a HUGE thank you to Clever Mojo Games and Game Salute for furnishing us with this great prize to give away!! Thanks guys!

Happy Independence Day! Want Free Stuff?

fireworks- by Jeremiah For those of you who are reading from the US we don't need to tell you that today is the day we celebrate our independence as a country. We are grateful for a country where we have the freedom to write our thoughts, speak our minds, and worship our God! So what better way to celebrate than to eat delicious food, and watch flashy explosions in the sky!? Well blowing up stuff of your own would be fun, except the state of Ohio is one of the few states in America's heartland that doesn't allow its citizens to set off fireworks on their own.


Speaking of the heartland... You can celebrate our country's independence yet another way: by entering to win a free

copy of Jason Kotarski's "The Great Heartland Hauling Co." from Dice Hate Me Games. We couldn't be more excited about that—we really LOVE this game!! How?? I'm glad you asked!

It's simple: This month, as we celebrate our blogiversary, we'll be giving away as much stuff as we can get our hands on! And as our way of thanking our readers, we're giving them away to the folks who have subscribed to the blog.

So, get yourself entered by typing your email address into the box over on the right ------>

And then tell your friends and family about our contest and have them do the same; yes, this does lower your chances of winning yourself, but it makes our little marketing scheme a success and will enable us to keep doing cool stuff like this in the future! (Plus, if your mom wins, she'll probably just give it to you anyway...) If you're already subscribed, then you're already entered; thank you for supporting us during our first year!

Thanks as always for reading! If no one read, we wouldn't be able to do what we do, so we truly do appreciate it. And best of luck in our contest!

Don't forget you can find us all sorts of places on the interwebs: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube!!

Happy 4th of July!