Wanna Win This?

photo (24)If you were around last week, you know that we gave away a copy of The Great Heartland Hauling Co. to a very lucky individual! This week we're giving away a free copy of Sunrise City from Clever Mojo Games! In fact, it's the very same copy pictured here!

How? Easy...

The way to win this amazing prize is quite simple: Just subscribe to the blog! That's right, if you type your email address into the little box over on the right, you'll be entered into our fantastic and unbelievably easy-to-win contest! Already subscribed, you say? Well then you're already entered! Yes. It's that easy! If you enjoy what we're doing here at TOG we would be ever so grateful if you took a moment to share this contest with your friends and family. If you don't enjoy what's going on here on our little blog, then maybe you could inform your arch-nemesis?

There is a bit of not-so-fine print to go along with this contest: We can only offer the contest to US and Canadian residents only. We'd love to ship it across the Seven Seas but the cost of doing so is prohibitive. If  you would like to enter and pay for the shipping, we would be glad to do that!

We get really excited when folks connect with us on social media too! So be sure to hit us up on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and yes, even YouTube!

We'd also like to give a HUGE thank you to Clever Mojo Games and Game Salute for furnishing us with this great prize to give away!! Thanks guys!

And There Was Much Rejoicing...

After 3 weeks of taking entries we finally have a winner in our contest for a free copy of The Resistance! But before we just blurt out the winner's name, let me explain the process and how we made the random selection.

We didn't just put names into a hat and draw one; we did the Internet version of that. We went over to RandomDraw.com and used the "Prize Draw" option, after entering in all of the contestants we let the interwebs do their thing.

And the winner is...

Earl E. Byrd!

A.K.A. meganp10. Congratulations Megan, if that's your real name... And thank you to all who entered! If you didn't win today, never fear...we have more contests and free stuff coming your way this week!

You can view the results of the drawing by following this link RIGHT HERE!