Kickstarter Weekly - May 22, 2014

Kickstarter Weekly - May 22, 2014

Featured Campaign

Dungeon Dice successfully kickstarted last year as an adventure game played entirely with dice, players face baddies, find treasure, you know, epic hero type stuff. Well potluck games is back with an expansion to the Kickstarter hit, with Dungeon Dice: GUILDS and apparently you all can't get enough! The meager funding goal has been smashed through with 28 days left in the campaign and there have already been a TON of stretch goals unlocked with a good amount left to achieve -and there's no reason to think that they won't be unlocked. This campaign is worth checking out simply for the witty video, BUT you should check out the game too. If you already have the base game the expansion is pretty reasonable, if you don't have the original you can bundle it up with the expansion and some cool Kickstarter exclusives as well!

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