Presidential Meeples!

So, a few months ago we reviewed a great little deck builder of presidential proportions called Pixel Lincoln. They're plugging away on production and unfortunately we don't have a release date to report. But they did leak out a photo of the production sample Lincoln Meeples on their Kickstarter page, and I have to say they look AWESOME! Lincoln Meeples - 3 centimeters tall, by 2 centimeters wide

When we reviewed the game it was a print on demand prototype version so we had to use our own tokens to mark our movement in the game.  And a game like this, while it doesn't rely solely on ascetics, it certainly was born of a theme, and having a glimpse of the meeples we can see how they're going to add to the game play experience!

We interviewed Jason Tagmire and President P. Lincoln last year, and you can read it here!

You can also read our full review of Pixel Lincoln here!

And you can check out the Pixel Lincoln website and pre-order your copy right here!

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