What You Missed....

Good Friday everyone! It's that time of the week when we look back on the rest of the week and tell you , what you missed!

Monday's news brought us glad tidings of more Star Wars and more Netrunner from the busy, busy folks over at Fantasy Flight Games!

catanjrTuesday's Review was a Double-Take on one of our favorite kids games - Catan Junior.

Wednesday's Interview was with our very own Scott Firestone IV!

And our Kickstarter Weekly featured the campaign launched by The Dice Tower as they gear up for their ninth season!

As always, we truly appreciate your support; we know people come here and read our posts and we can't even begin to say how cool that is!

Please head over to Facebook and "like" us, and if you have a Twitter machine you can follow us there as well! And if you're a game publisher, designer, artist etc. and would like us to review your game, accessory, or whatever, take a look at how we go about that right here!

Thanks everyone and we'll see you next week!