Kickstarter Weekly--June 3, 2013

Well we're starting another week here at TOG, and we've got another bundle of Kickstarter news to leave on your doorstep, including some sneak preview action, and the looming suspicions of a campaign that may not see fulfillment. But let's start with some happy news

Princes of the Dragon Throne - Clever Mojo Games

photo (11)Fred Mackenzie has spent the last three years developing this epic, large-scale board game, and Clever Mojo Games, along with Game Salute's Springboard division, have finally launched the campaign to bring this gem to market. I (Jeremiah) have played a prototype of the game, and trust me: You're going to want in on this! The only downside is the $100 pledge it will take to get a copy of the game. Check out all the details here. And be on the look out for our full review next week!

SnowdoniaSnowdonia - Indie Boards & Cards

The same publisher who brought The Resistance to the people has successfully funded this new worker placement board game. A pledge of $54 gets you a copy of the game which is a discount over the $70 MSRP once it hits shelves. Check out the full details here.

epic death box

Epic Death - Waits in Graves Games/Game Salute

We told you about this campaign a few weeks ago. The title will be funded, blowing past the initial goal, and with 11 days left they're just a shade over $2,000 from hitting the final two stretch goals, and unlocking some epic custom dice. Again, $35 gets you a copy of the game. Right here is where you'll find the details of the campaign. Stay tuned for our full review coming soon!

Sneak peek!

Ancient Terrible Things - Coming soon to Kickstarter!

Ancient Terrible Things - Pleasant Company/Game Salute (Do those guys every sleep?)

Can't say much about this game just yet, but it is a press-your-luck dice roller set in a pulp-horror universe. Expect it to hit Kickstarter soon, and again check back for our full review!

Odins RavensAnd finally, as we reported last week, there is still no sign of Works LTD, who successfully campaigned for funds to release a second edition of Odin's Ravens. We've heard that Kickstarter has reached out to Works LTD after many backers have expressed concern, and we will be keeping an eye on things and let you know as soon as anything develops.

Thanks so much for reading. Are you backing any of these? Let us know! Are you backing anything we should know about? Sound off in the comments! As always, we'd love it if you would subscribe to the blog over on the right ----> And don't forget the buckets of fun being had on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages!

Odin's Ravens 2nd Edition—Bonus Kickstarter Weekly

odinToday we have a bonus Kickstarter campaign—it's only got 15 days to go, so we thought we'd slip it in ASAP. It's for a 2nd edition of the classic 2-player racing game Odin's Ravens. For years this was a part of the Kosmos line of great 2-player games, but it's been out of print for a while now. Works Ltd. has acquired the rights and they're printing a new version—with some fairly significant rules changes from the original. Maybe the biggest change is that rather than racing three times, you're doing one race—down one side of the cards, and back up the other side. This eliminates keeping track of points race over race, and it looks like there will be no Magic Way at all now. I (Firestone) was never a huge fan of the Magic Way anyway (seemed kinda clunky and wonky), so that's one thing that seems to be an improvement.

Over on Boardgamegeek, there's some "controversy" regarding the graphic choices Works Ltd. has made for this edition. What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments, and in the meantime, check out the campaign on Kickstarter. You can watch a brief overview of the rules in the video below. Thanks for reading!
