Pixel Lincoln Kickstarts!
/Springboard, which is powered by Game Salute, has been running (and very successfully) a Kickstarter campaign for gaming's newest addition to the family of 8-bit, side-scrolling, deck-building, card games based on a fictional video game, which is based on a historical figure. (I know, another one of THOSE!)
Who's Backing the Beard Built of Blocks? - There are nearly 600 gamers who have caught wind of this unique game. I mean, who doesn't want a chance to take on the role of our emancipating and proclamating president to fight various baddies, like Puking Turtles and Throwing Luchadores, with a variety of weapons, including the Sausage Link Whip, and Abe's favorite means of self defense, the Beardarang!
So, Why Back it? - The question came up here at TOG: Why would we back this now; why shouldn't we just wait for the retail release? So I emailed Springboard and asked what backers were going to be getting that folks who just bought the title after release wouldn't. And Dan laid it out like this:
Motivational Factor #1 -
Backers will receive the following:
The Game - Which continues to be upgraded as stretch goals are met!
The Bonuses Pack - Which currently includes, a button, the Sentinels of the Multiverse Pixel Sentinels cards (which look sweet!), the Celebrity Cards Pack, and a shiny new penny!
There's a good breakdown on the Kickstarter page, and lots of cool options and add-ons you can choose to pick up if you back the game.
Motivational Factor #2 - It's mutually beneficial, in that with every stretch goal they meet, it adds more features to the game's base set; once the campaign closes, what you get is what you get, so backing now helps everyone win!
The good news in all of this is that they have met their base goal, and the project will be funded. That means Pixel Lincoln is on his way! The bad news is that you only have until midnight on Sunday, July 15, 2012 to scrape together your shiny pennies and back them to get all the extra goodies!
You can see all the fun videos, and backer levels by clicking RIGHT HERE!
Have you backed this? Have you demoed the game? We would LOVE to hear your thoughts! Leave 'em in the comments!