What You Missed...

gimliAnother week come and gone. Thanks for joining us for it... We started off with a preview of the new Presidential Meeples for Pixel Lincoln.

Then we got news of a Princess Bride game coming from the folks at Game Salute.

We gave a last-minute plea for the elephant racing game Formula E—and it successfully funded, by the hair on its trunky-trunk-trunk...

Then we reviewed one of our favorite games: The Lord of the Rings The Card Game. We also used the word funnest.

Then we interviewed Darrell Louder about his new game Compounded—and that was also our Kickstarter Weekly feature...


And finally, we told you about the next couple of months in Rio Grande Games' schedule. Lets hope it holds!

Monday we reveal our favorite games of 2012, so make sure you come back! Here's a clue for one of the games. ------->

Thanks so much for reading, and don’t forget to like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter!

A Last-Minute Plea for Formula E!

FormulaEA few weeks ago we told you about a racing game from Game Salute and Clever Mojo games called Formula E. Well, with 6 hours to go on the Kickstarter campaign, they're only $3000 away from funding the game! "You've got games about car races, boat races, bicycle races, sled dog races, and even ostrich races, but there's one type of racing that's missing–Elephant Races! Formula E is here to fill that gap. FORMULA E has a double sided game board–one track is for 3 & 4 players, and the other is for 5 & 6 players. There are six colorful Elephant Meeples included with colors that 'should' be tinted correctly for colorblind friendliness. There are ten Holy Cow Meeples that start the game scattered around the track but can be moved to create obstacles for your competitors. Then there is the Mouse Meeple, which you can use to scare elephants into backing up. As you might guess, there's a lot of 'screwage' potential in a game of FORMULA E–and I haven't even mentioned the Cobras and Monkey's yet!"

So if you're on the fence, make up your mind and consider hopping on board. It looks like a fun little racing game—and racing games are great choices for nongamers and families.