Kickstarter Weekly--Feb. 7, 2014

Well, it's been an exciting week for us so far here at TOG, and even with the news about us being a part of the Simply Youth Ministry Conference, we've somehow found time to bring you another installment of games that are pleading their case over on Kickstarter. There's a ton of great stuff happening, so let's dig in with this week's Kickstarter Weekly!

Featured Campaign

This TownThis Town Ain't Big Enough for the 2-4 of Us! - Tasty Minstrel Games

This town may not be big, but neither is the price point for this one! For a paltry three American dollars you can get a copy of this game, plus all the stretch goals! Tasty Minstrel is owning the micro game market on Kickstarter right now, and for $3 there's no reason to wait to pull the trigger on this micro tile-placement western showdown!

The campaign ends Feb. 14, and, like we said you can get a copy for a pledge $3!! Find all the details including all the unlocked stretch goals right here!

Zep AttackZeppelin Attack - Evil Hat Productions

Mooarrrr Zeppelins! Yep, the zeppelin thing is becoming all the rage in gaming this year. This might be the first zeppelin deck-builder in gaming though. A 2-4 player card battle for air supremacy, set in the universe of  the Spirit of the Century RPG from Evil Hat Productions. As with most steam punk-ish themed games, the art will pull you in on this one!

The campaign ends on March 1. You'll have to pledge $30 for the game, and you can find all of the details, right here!

LagoonLagoon - David Chott

Lagoon has you embarking on a simple little objective: FORGING THE DESTINY OF A WORLD! A board game that features a solo variant and supports up to 4 players, Lagoon is a discovery and area-control game with a very mystical/enchanting feel to it. It also sports some really nice-looking components and artwork. And reviewers are claiming it has a relatively quick learning curve.

You can still pledge to get a copy of Lagoon until March 3, and it's only $35 for a copy of the game. Check out all the details right here!

WesterlyWesterly Reboot - Analog Evolution Games

Ok, it's really just Westerly, and they've rebooted the campaign... Westerly is a co-op game where players work together to forge a trail out west using their unique characters and story-telling skills.

This game is finished and ready to roll, and more backers means more funding. They have a very lofty funding goal, but the game looks to have been very well-tested-out and tweaked, and comes with plenty of bits!

The campaign ends March 16. There are a few early bird level pledges left at $40, then it jumps up to $50 for a copy of the game. You can find out all of the details, right here!

bigfootBigfoot - Game Salute

It's time to go squatchin'... I can't believe I just typed that...

Anyway Game Salute has launched a campaign for a 2-player card game called Bigfoot, about, well, finding Bigfoot. This is an asymmetrical game in which one player is a cryptozoologist, and the other Bigfoot himself. The Bigfoot player chooses a path to take, while trying to outwit and confound the cryptozoologist. Meanwhile, his counterpart is attempting to find the ever-elusive Sasquatch and claim glory and fame. This one looks to be a very light strategy card game that plays really quickly.

The campaign ends on Feb. 27 and it's only $15 for a copy of the game. You can find all the details of the game, right here!

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Are you backing any of these campaigns? Are there any we missed? Let us know, down below!

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