And the Winners of Spiel Awards are...

Well it's here!! Just in time for Gen Con, the Spiel Awards have been announced! This year there was a pretty good selection of games nominated. Congrats to all the nominees, to be nominated is no small feat! Ok, enough of me typing...

Here are the Winners!

Spiel des Jahres Winner!


Plan B, seems to have come out of nowhere in the last couple years, making a big splash with Century: Spice Road, and then this year with the release of Azul which quickly took Instagram by storm with its striking visual appeal!

Kennerspiel des Jahres winner!

Die Quacksalber von Quedlinburg

We haven't played this. But the theme alone sounds silly and fun! Players play a "quack" making potions and remedies for the town of Quedlinburg. With a good mix of skill, and chance, this one looks like a blast! We're hoping to get ahold of a copy or two real soon!

Kinderspiel des Jahres winner!


Haba games walks away with the Kinderspiel this year, with their game about Dragons melting away an ice tower to gain sparkling crystals! Again, a game we haven't gotten our hands on, but it looks like the perfect choice for the award!

Have you played any of the winners!? What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments, and thanks for reading!