Lil' 7
/So. If you've been listening to our podcast you may remember a certain announcement that I (Jeremiah) made concerning our growing family. That's right. My wife and I were expecting a baby to come along in mid-March. Well. That timetable has changed, suddenly and dramatically. On Feb. 3 Violet (her initials are VII that's why I call her Lil' 7) showed up the scene 6 weeks (or as I like to say fashionably) early.
Lil' 7 was helping me write this post!
As im typing this (on my phone), we're in the middle of our tenth day in the NICU, where she is getting amazing care!
To pass the time I've been doing my best to keep content flowing through ToG's social media outlets, as well as periodically texting with Firestone as we continue to look into the future here at Theology of Games. The good thing is, with all this time on my hands I've been able to brainstorm lots of great ideas, the bad thing is ive had all this time and been brainstorming all of these great ideas! But needless to say I've been away from the game table...
Ok. I'm going to wrap up for now, but I wanted to share our fun news with everyone, we hope to be home soon!
And as always, thanks for reading!