Halfsies Dice--A Double-Take Review and Contest

Banana Dice

Banana Dice

We recently got packages in the mail containing cool dice with two different colors on them. They're Halfsies Dice, from Gatekeeper Gaming. And they're very nice. 

Mother Earth Dice

Mother Earth Dice

Honestly, there's not much to say about them. Each set includes a d4, d6, d8, two d10s, a d12, and a d20. They're beautiful. They come in lots of cool color combinations. And they do...ya know...dicey things. Which is to say: If you like dice, and the idea of a half-and-half color combination appeals to you, there's no reason not to jump in on this campaign. There are nine days left to the Kickstarter campaign, where you can get a set shipped for $12--and the price goes down as you order more sets. 

Road Warrior Dice

Road Warrior Dice

Jeremiah--Yeah it may sound weird, but I've held cheap/dollar-store-type d6 dice before. They're made with cheap plastics/resin and the pips aren't painted clearly etc. These are the opposite of that: The resin is nice and "swirly" with a pearly look to them and the numbers--as you can see in the photos--are brightly colored and well-painted. These are about as fine a quality of dice as you can stuff in your dice bag!

Firestone--Apparently the colors I got are called Banana Dice. But to me they look like the Notre Dame colors--minus the blue--so I'm super happy. I've already used the percentage dice in a campaign of The Hunters I'm running through. And my oldest likes to use the d20 for his Magic life points. They're great, quality dice.

Banana Dice

Banana Dice

But there's more! The folks at Gatekeeper Gaming are giving away six sets of dice to three lucky people! We'll pick three random winners. The first prize is three sets of the dice. Second prize is two sets. And third prize is one set. Just enter to win below!

Good luck! And thanks for reading!