Kickstarter Weekly - August 28, 2014

Here we are, just rolling through the month of August. GenCon is over, kids are going back to school, football season is quickly upon us, and this all means that fall is on its way. That means cold temps and the perfect weather to stay inside and play board games with friends and family! Here's a look at games that want to be on your tables in the months to come...

Let's jump in!

Featured Campaign

Clockwork Kingdom - Mr. B Games

Mr. B continues their march of big box games, having successfully funded and produced Spurs, and Alien Uprising. Clockwork Kingdom is a worker-placement game, set in a steampunk land, where players attempt to become the next ruler of the Clockwork Kingdom. Mr. B has a great track record of delivering games as promised, and so far they've been well worth the investment! Be sure to check this one out!

  • Title - Clockwork Kingdom

  • Campaign ends - Sept. 23, 2014

  • Pledge for base game - $45

  • Find it here!

The Lounge-- A Mafia Game - Alexander Gregory

The Lounge is essentially a deluxe version of Mafia. It features 80 different roles to spice up your evening of Mafia, and make rules and role explanation a breeze. While there are certainly more and more hidden-role/social-deduction games flooding the market, folks still like to return to the classic and this appears to be a way to spice up an old favorite. There are plenty of stretch goals to add more to the game, but it's gonna take a big push to get over the hump!

  • Title - The Lounge

  • Campaign ends - Sept. 12, 2014

  • Pledge for base game - $19

  • Find it here!

Totez -Vieko Franetovic

A bluffing, collecting, stealing, card game, set on a tropical island. This quick-paced game is the second offering from the creators of KRUNCH. Totez looks like it's ready to roll into production, and there are still some early bird pledge levels available; if you're into fast paced set collection and backstabbing this one might be for you!

  • Title - Totez

  • Campaign ends - Sept. 12, 2014

  • Pledge for base game - $25 -early bird price- $35 After

  • Find it here!

Castle & Kingdom playing cards - Arseniy Balabin

Okay, so we don't often feature Bicycle decks here on KS Weekly, but this one is a little unique and we thought it was worth taking a look at. Instead of creating a licensed deck, or a genre and slapping it onto cards, the Castle & Kingdom deck tells the story of the suits placing characters on the cards to match those that we already know from our everyday deck of cards.

  • Title - Castle & Kingdom Playing Cards

  • Campaign ends - Sept. 20, 2014

  • Pledge for a deck - $10

  • Find it here!

Ok, that's all we've got for this week! Let us know what you think, what you're backing, and what we missed! Thanks so much for reading and we'll catch you next time!