Kickstarter Weekly--June 19, 2014

Hot on the heels of Origins we've got some catching up to do on Kickstarter campaigns that are in process, and some that are just now launching! So let's not waste any more time, and jump right in!

Featured campaign!

Tiny Epic Defenders - Gamelyn Games

Gamelyn's follow up to Tiny Epic Kingdoms hits Kickstarter today! Tiny Epic Defenders is a co-op adventure game. This campaign just went live at 9:00 AM today, and the campaign funded in just over an hour! Let the stretch goals ROLL! Gamelyn is quickly becoming a Kickstarter powerhouse and making a great mark in the gaming industry with some great- looking, and playing, games! This is definitely worth checking out!!

  • Title - Tiny Epic Defenders

  • Campaign ends - July 19, 2014

  • Base pledge for base game - $16

  • Find it here!

Realm of Heroes - Mr. B. Games

There are just a few days left to get in on this one. Mr. B. Games brings us Realm of Heroes, a tile-placement/area-control game that has players making a power play to control the land after the death of the king. Mr. B. Games has already made good on their first Kickstarter, Spurs, and is in the process of manufacturing Alien Uprising. Realm of Heroes dives into yet another genre for Mr. B, and has an easy price-point to get in on!


  • Title - Realm of Heroes

  • Campaign ends - June 26, 2014

  • Pledge for base game - $25

  • Find it here!

Antidote - Bellwether Games

This one JUST WENT LIVE, but here's a little bit of what you can look for from some notes given to us by the publisher.

In Antidote, you are a laboratory scientist working for a giant chemical research conglomerate. When a deadly toxin suddenly infects you and your team, you must work quickly to share your research and discover the Antidote before its too late. In the game, players take turns deciding which actions all other players take: either discard from their hand or trade research with other players. Eventually all your cards will run-out and you will be left with just one that you must "drink," and hope its the right one! If this card is the true Antidote, you're cured! If die, but you can always try again! Antidote is a deduction style card game for 2-6 players that plays in about 20 minutes. 

  • Title - Antidote

  • Campaign ends - July 19

  • Pledge of base game - $16

  • Find it here!


Ophir - Terra Nova Games

A merchant game, Ophir pits players against each other as they buy and sell goods in order to build a temple in the ancient world of Ophir. The temple building mechanic looks slick for this one, and there's a lot of good buzz going around about it on the interwebs! 

  • Title - Ophir

  • Campaign ends - July 14, 2014

  • Pledge for base game - $39

  • Find it here!

Thanks, as always, for reading, and please let us know what you're backing and what we might have missed; it's an exciting time out there on Kickstarter, so help us bring the best of the best to Kickstarter weekly!