What Makes a Game Terrible?


Hey gang, we know it's been a little quieter than usual around here this week, but rest assured: we're working hard on some very cool things that we'll share with you soon! In the meantime we thought we would get a little discussion going and see what your thoughts are on the flip side of last week's discussion...

Last week we asked you: What makes a game great? And we had a nice little discussion about things that make for a great gaming experience. Of course, those sort of preferences are very subjective. We've all heard the phrase, "I don't know art, but I know what I like." With gaming we could say, "I don't know game design, but I know what I like."

But we also know what we don't like.

So what makes a game terrible? What's a deal-breaker for you? Is it poorly designed components? Terrible artwork? Mechanics? Genre? Theme? Do most of the games you hate have one thing in common? What's the fastest way to get a game OFF of your table?

Sound off in the comments below, and thanks for reading!

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