More Great Stuff In the Works...
/Hey everyone! We just wanted to take a few minutes and let you know that there is still a ton of content coming your way from Origins Game Fair 2013. I (Jeremiah) am busy editing away to get more of our new Theology of Games Visual content ready for YouTube; we'll also have a bunch of really cool photos to share, and more!
Also, over the next two days I'll be shooting our first video previews of two games. And we've got more interviews on the way than you can shake a stick at. (Unless you had multiple sticks and were coordinated enough to shake them simultaneously.)
And that's not to mention all of the reviews we'll be publishing in the very near future:
- Viticulture
- Dungeon Heroes
- Mayday Crokinole Board Cases
- Chicken Caesar
- Epic Death
- Ancient Terrible Things
- Drive Them Back!
- Smash Up - Awesome Level 9000
- Guile
- Incredi-brawl
- and more!!
Expect more cool stuff to start pouring from the page really soon, and until then...why not subscribe over on the right ----->
And don't forget to head to our YouTube channel and see all the great stuff there, subscribe, and maybe even click on a thumbs up or two!
Thanks for reading as always, and don't forget the Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram things!