GenCon News from Fantasy Flight Games
/I think it's safe to say that one of our most-anticipated games from the GenCon was the new Netrunner reboot from Fantasy Flight Games. Apparently we weren't the only ones, because reports out of GenCon are that they sold out of every copy in less than an hour--they had to have some overnighted to the convention just to have a few more scraps to sell. This one might be big...
They released The Hobbit large expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game—one of our favorite games—and they announced that the next big expansion will be Heirs of Numenor, and another cycle of Adventure Packs.
And this might be old news, but it was new news to me: There's a Star Wars LCG in the works—and it'll be out by the end of the year! My poor wallet!! I don't know how I'll possibly keep up with three LCGs—plus all of the other new games.
Anyway, we'll keep you updated on news as it's released. And thanks for reading!