What You Missed

Well today brings to a close another week here at TOG. We've been busy this week not only churning out more fun gaming news, reviews, and interviews, but we've been working at a feverish pitch in the background preparing some really big stuff to be dropped in in the near future! Stay tuned over the next couple weeks—things are going to get fun! Here's what we brought you this week:

Monday's news: We found out that Alien Frontiers is hitting iPads the world over!

Tuesday's Review: Jeremiah took a look at Stone Age, and the cup that stinketh within.

Wednesday's Interview: Mythic Battles designer Benoit Vogt, took a few minutes to discuss the game with us.

Thursday's Kickstarter Weekly: Featured a 3-in-1 campaign from Small Box Games!

As always, we sincerely appreciate you reading our humble little blog, and ask that you help spread the word about us!

Thanks again, and we'll see you Monday!