Gen Con: The Aftermath--Part One

Gen Con: The Aftermath--Part One

Some of you might know that I (Jeremiah) went to GenCon last weekend in Indianapolis. Now, before we go any further, let me say this: I've been to Origins every year since 2009. Big. Deal. The last two years at Origins, I've brought along some help in covering the convention, and was able to shoot some video interviews for our YouTube channel, and make some really great connections along the way. If there's one thing I've learned in those two trips to Origins, it's this: It is really hard to cover a convention in one day and truly get a handle on exactly what is going on there... So I went to GenCon by myself (no help this time) and gave myself a whopping day and a half to try and cover the largest gaming event on the continent... Here's Part One of what I came up with!

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