CONTEST! Win a Copy of Tower of Madness from Smirk & Dagger!

We LOVE giving away stuff! It's fun, it helps out our listeners, and everyone loves getting games in the mail! 

So we've got a special contest happening right now, and there is no hard timetable!

Here are the details:

It's quite easy to get in on, simply go to our Patreon Page, and become a patron of our site at any level (yes, for as little as $1/month) once we hit 25 patrons, we will pick a winner from the first 25 patrons and send them a copy of Tower of Madness from Smirk & Dagger!

So. We hear you, you're thinking, "wait!! I have to pledge real, actual, cash to get in on this contest?!". Yes. That's true. But let's do some quick math. If you win -and your odds are 1 in 25-  you're getting a $60 game, so if you backed us for $1/month for the next 4 years 11 months, you'd still be ahead on the deal!

Never fear, we have a few more contests coming that won't require your patronage, so stay tuned. But getting in on this contest is super easy and gives you GREAT odds for winning a super hot, awesome game!!

As always thanks for reading, listening and watching!