6 Years of Theology of Games!

On July 1st, 2012 we published our very first article here on Theology of Games, it was a review of the classic Carcassonne.

Since then we've written hundreds of reviews & news articles, dozens of interviews, and hundreds of podcast episodes and added another podcast host (AJ Skifstad!). Firestone and I (Jeremiah) have gone through several career changes, moved, and I even welcomed a new family member into our home a little over a year ago. It's been a wild ride so far, and we've loved being a part of the tabletop gaming industry for all these years! Recently we've doubled down on our commitment to bringing you great content, and there are a great many things in the works, including our Patreon page with some great rewards, and a pretty full schedule of production! But for now, we just wanted to say "THANKS"! We've seen a lot of content creators come and go in the time that we've been around and we feel lucky to still be doing what we're doing, but having such a great audience such as yourself is truly humbling and an honor! So, again, thank you! And we can wait to see what this year has in store!!

The TOG Founders

-Firestone and Jeremiah