We're Getting the Band Back Together!

Hey everyone! I know it seems like we’ve fallen off the face of the planet. But I assure you, the rumors of our demise are greatly exaggerated!

The last 18 months have been full of about a billion different challenges on personal, professional, and more recently global levels for all of us. But…we’ve really missed you all. So we decided it’s time to get things rolling again, and here we are!

What have we been doing?



Jeremiah—Well. It’s been a busy time for me. Aside from the many gigs I had been working, until, ya know, 2020 happened, I took on a longtime dream project. I produced and directed an audio drama podcast. The show is called Cryptic, and we just wrapped up the second season of the show! Oh. And I’m about to launch a Kickstarter for a brand new audio fiction series! Gabby & Scratch is a show for the whole family!

Like. Seriously. The Kickstarter launches on Feb. 1, 2021! If you want to check it out CLICK RIGHT HERE!

Firestone —Well, not to be a Debbie Downer, but about 18 months ago my Dad passed away. The time around that event obviously kept me busy, but also the time since then, helping my mom and cleaning out 40+ years of crap. If nothing else, I hope this teaches my sons not to hold onto useless stuff for no reason! Mom’s in a better place now, so that time is back.

Of course, thanks to COVID my game group has basically disappeared. I’ve gotten together with a buddy for some gaming but it’s not the same. So I haven’t played many new things, but I’m hoping to remedy that. And hoping that things return to some semblance of normal soon. ‘

We’re excited to get the band back together. Thanks for being patient.

What’s Next for TOG?

Well, that’s a great question!
Reviews! Yep, we’re bringing back written reviews, so check back here soon for our hot takes on the latest tabletop games!

The NEW Theology of Games Podcast! Yep, we’re bringing the show back, but we’re putting a new spin on things! The show is--wait for it—a game! That’s right, all three of us will compete during each segment to see who has the hottest take, the boldest claim, whatever it may be. Who will win? You decide! Tune in every other week for a new TOG Podcast!

That’s How I Roll! It’s back! More guests, more segments, and more of what you love about the show—and then some!

Thanks so much for all of your support over the years. We’re super excited to get things back on track, and hear from you!

Don’t forget you can always email us at: TheologyofGames@gmail.com or on all the social media accounts linked below!