Welcome to Periscope! Check Out Our First Broadcast!


We're very excited about the latest craze in social media: Periscope. For those who don't know, it's a live broadcasting app that allows users to stream live video, all while followers tune in and comment in real-time and also give "love" in the way of pastel little hearts. This apparently causes your search ranking to go up, depending on how many hearts you get...

Anyway. The gaming industry is already embracing the "scope." We've seen visits of FLGS's, game play-throughs, etc. 

So we're getting our feet wet, and last night Jeremiah broadcast a play-through of Peasant Buffet; you can still watch it until the end of the day on Periscope, but we've uploaded it to YouTube for posterity's sake.

You can't react and comment on it anymore but it's still there for you to view live gameplay of the game! We've embedded it below!

We hope you enjoy the broadcast, and would love to hear what you'd like to see from us on Periscope! Game plays? Unboxing? Tutorials? Q&A? Let us know what you think!! Oh! And don't forget to follow us on Periscope at @TheologyofGames!!

Yes, we know that it's vertical video... Periscope claims to support landscape mode in the near future!