Kickstarter Weekly--March 27, 2015

Welcome to the second week of Spring. Let's jump right in and see what's happening over on Kickstarter!

Featured Campaign!

Posthuman - Mr. B Games

Another zombie game? Kinda. Posthuman is a survival game in which you fight against mutation in a post-apocalyptic world, fighting to stave off hunger, depression, infection, and, of course, the mindless hordes of posthuman mutants, all while trying to find a fabled fortress and the safety it brings. The game looks like an exploration game with a modular board that offers plenty of tense decisions, some teamwork with other players, and the chance to turn to the other side and start wreaking havoc on the other players.  

  • Title - Posthuman

  • Campaign ends - Apr. 24, 2015

  • Pledge for base game - $52

  • Find it here!

Battleborn Legacy - Silverleaf Games

Battleborn Legacy seeks to offer a classic fantasy RPG experience in a tabletop package, as players build their kingdoms to take on enemies. At its core this is a resource-management game with elements of area control thrown in. Battleborn Legacy looks to have sweet components and artwork--especially if Silverleaf can hit some stretch goals! The game is also an homage to designer Eric Bartlett's brother, who lost his battle with Leukemia. Eric and his brother grew up playing fantasy games, and there are a lot of those memories tied to the game for him.

  • Title - Battleborn Legacy

  • Campaign ends - Apr. 20, 2015

  • Pledge for base game - $59

  • Find it here!

The Nobles - Epic Tabletop Fighting Game - William Kovach/Shockpanda Games

This is a straight-up head-to-head hack-and-slash battle game. Players place their minis on a board, and start playing cards to hack to pieces (literally) their opponents, which reminds us of the famous Black Knight of Monty Python legend. First player to be unable to keep their head loses! This one looks like a lightweight, fun, battle game. Definitely worth checking out!

  • Title - The Nobles - Epic Tabletop Fighting Game

  • Campaign ends - May. 9, 2015

  • Pledge for base game - $39 (Early Bird get your name in the game!)

  • Find it here!

Thanks so much for reading TOG this week! Don't forget we're giving away a deluxe copy of Tiny Epic Defenders right here! You can't buy this edition in stores, so what are you waiting for?! Go enter now!!

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Let us know what you're playing, backing, or creating! We love hearing from you!