Kickstarter Weekly—Sept. 5, 2013

It's a shortened week with the holiday, but that doesn't mean things aren't happening over on Kickstarter. What should you be checking out? Here's a few suggestions!

WarfieldsWarfields - Menaveth Games

We'll be playing and reviewing this one soon. Looks like a fun 2-player battle, that is easy to learn and quick to play. The funding goal for this one is really high ($22,500!) when compared to other games that are mostly card based.

You can get a copy of the game for a $25 pledge. And you can see the full campaign here!

(And we're going to have an interview with designer Chris Green next week!)

SeptikomSeptikon - Hobby World USA

This game just looks cool! Another 2-player game with a hint toward tower defense. We're hoping to get our hands on this game soon, and we'll let you know when that happens.

Until then you can check out the campaign here. And a $60 pledge gets you your very own copy of the game.


Battle MerchantsBattle Merchants - Minion Games

Pirates! Well. Okay, not really, but the one guy on the cover looks like it. Battle Merchants is actually an economics game in which players are constructing and selling weapons in a warfare ridden land.

You can snag a copy for $48, and find the full campaign here.




SangokuSangoku - Game Salute

What Kickstarter Weekly post would be complete without a title from Game Salute? A Japanese-themed game by Mike Elliot of Thunderstone fame, Sangoku is a card game pitting players against each other to rule the three realms. Interestingly enough, this game is described as a "poker-style game." Hmmm.

A pledge of $35 will get you your own copy, and you can check out the full campaign right here!


Thanks so much for reading, let us know if you're backing any of these, and if we missed anything cool!

We'd love it if you liked us on Facebook, followed us on Twitter and Instagram, and subscribed to our YouTube channel, and to the blog by signing up over on the right!

Have a great weekend!

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