When We Last Left Our Heroes...

It's been a busy week here at Theology Of Games. We had another great interview, a couple of reviews, and news about where our money will be going over the next few months. Here's what you might have missed...

We interviewed Bryan Fischer about his fowl upcoming game, Chicken Caesar.

You can take on the role of Jack the Ripper, or the detectives chasing him, in Letters From Whitechapel. Check out our review!

Jeremiah gave us a rundown of some recent Kickstarter games. This was well-received, so if you know of a game—or designed one!—let us know and we'll post about it!

In the year 3000... We reviewed a fun new card game, Plato 3000.

And we brought you some news about Fantasy Flight's first expansion for their massively popular Netrunner game.

Who knows what we'll have going on next week! (Seriously, does anyone know, because we sure don't...) You can be sure we'll have more news, reviews, and inter-views! Have a great weekend, and thanks for reading!