Relic Expedition—Kickstarter Weekly
Today's Kickstarter weekly features a cool-looking game of exploration and adventure.
Relic Expedition is a game that features a variable board that grows as the game progresses. Players are treasure hunters searching for treasure in a deep and vast jungle. The game looks to be packed full of great strategic decisions, lots of variance, and a good mix of surprises.
Relic Expedition will be (should it get founded) the inaugural title for Foxtrot Games, which is a couple of guys who are off to a good start with this one!
The only down side to this Kickstarter is the price tag to get a copy of the game is a tad on the high side at $49. But judging from the images, you're going to get some really quality components!
You can check out the campaign here, including a PDF download of the rule book! Are you backing this? We'd love to hear what pushed you off the fence! Or you still on the fence? Tell us why! Leave it in the comments below! Thanks for reading, and don't forget those Facebook and Twitter things! And we especially appreciate it when you subscribe over on the right!